Help and advice centres

There are many help and advice centres in Luxembourg. But sometimes it is not that easy to find an overview and to get in touch with the right facility.

In order to facilitate contact, you will find a small, selected overview of advisory centres below.

Our helplines can assist you in finding the right facility. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Institut pour Déficients Visuels

Institution étatique pour personnes aveugles et malvoyantes / intégration familiale/scolaire/professionnelle/sociale / service prêt: aides techniques/matériel didactique/bibliothèque/ludothèque/audio-vidéothèque/service Low-vision / transcription Braille

4543061 ou 24785251

17A, Route de Longwy, L-8080 Bertrange

enfants scolarisés


lundi - vendredi: 8.00 - 17.00